Snake plants enhance the beauty of your place while increasing the oxygen content, clean air and positive energy in it. Learn why your snake plant is a good Feng Shui remedy and most importantly, where to place it to maximize the positive effects. In today’s world where we are moving away from mother nature, plants remind us of our natural roots. Go for Sansevieria moonshine, whale’s fin or Hahnii cultivars that have wider leaves than usual snake plants. The air-purifying ficus is great for the physical health section of the Bagua (the east area of … The snake plant is native to Africa, and it belongs to the family Asparagaceae. It is a practice that aligns the energies by maintaining a balance of five elements. Wilted and diseased plants signify death and bad luck, and discourage vibrant chi from entering the abode. In Feng Shui, vine plants belong to Yin and symbolize trouble, dispute and mental disorder, thus not suggested. Snake Plant Feng Shui isn’t just about where you place your furniture; the quality of the air is an important aspect too, in fact it’s a huge priority. Healthy and thriving houseplants are auspicious because of their remarkably beneficial chi. A leading Feng Shui blog and knowledge vault that covers all aspects of this ancient art, Do you enjoy reading our articles? Use Feng Shui Plants for Positive Chi. If you can do only one thing to add some Feng Shui to your office, it should be to improve the air. These include determining the best main door direction, choosing the colors for the door, identifying the best location to construct it, etc. (We hate spam, too! Nurturing and caring for plants can have therapeutic effects on one’s mind. The bending or strange shaped trees are adverse to Feng Shui. It is a famous houseplant, and according to Feng Shui it brings good luck . It’s traditionally placed near the entrance to welcome success to the homeowner. They also reduce the impact of airborne allergens. This is when attacking energy, often from sharp objects, is directed at your body, draining you of your personal energy. Feng Shui dictates that certain types of jade plants from the genus Crassula can help bring prosperity and good fortune. Its strong wood energy cuts through dull, stagnant forces. Southeastern, Southern, and Eastern corners are the best feng shui spots to place your plants. Are there really so-called good or bad feng shui plants since most plants are natural air purfiers? To learn more about "lucky plants" in 2021, watch the entire segment on "Unang Hirit." This article offers an insight into how plants provide protection against negative energy while bringing in generous fortune. The bright green color of leaves promotes healing energy and also represents a wood element. Is Snake Plant toxic to dogs? And snake plants can get a bad rep due to its pointy leaves. Plants that are being classified as those that bring bad luck has forms and shapes that can create unwanted destructive energy. It also serves the purpose of enabling the eight virtues to enter the house. Feng Shui practices encourage us to strengthen our ties with nature. Rubber Plant. Their energies are typically used to achieve the following goals: Boost the Energy of an Area They are one of the inexpensive and most valuable Feng Shui remedies around, to create balance and harmony in your home or office spaces. Snake plants are perennial succulents that inspire positive and abundant vibes. This way you can avail the benefits of snake plant without any worries regarding their bad energy. Then she could place white flowers in that room (being careful to remove all dead leaves and blossoms), hang a Feng Shui crystal, bring in metal wind chimes or add more light into that area. Required fields are marked *. As the name implies, wealth corner (also known as money area, money corner or wealth corner), involves the luck in making money of a family or an individual and is a place where the positive energy gathers in a Feng Shui field. The pointed leaves can be used to shield against negative killing energies. This plant is known to remove toxins indoors and thrives in the dining area. Be mindful that creating a jungle in your house disturbs the balance of other elements. A bagua map (floor plan to bring good intentions) in Feng Shui suggests places that may need a positive boost of energy. This plant not only brings good luck but also purifies the air. Jade is one of the most popular plants in feng shui. In fact, a snake plant is not necessarily a bad Feng Shui as compared to dying one but it is the right placement that really matter. Snake plants have many variegated cultivars that exhibit gorgeous yellow stripes. The feng shui said it's also important not to overwhelm the bedroom with plants as these enhance the energy in a room. An example is the jade plant that is believed to activate wealth energies with its coin-liked leaves. It also ensures that the energy flows freely throughout the space. For instance, yin energy increases when the plant is blooming. Arranging your home according to Feng Shui principles helps balance various energies. It has some decidedly unfriendly names—snake plant, mother-in-law’s tongue, viper’s bowstring hemp, and Saint George’s sword—but this plant, called Sansevieria trifasciata, is one of the most resilient of all houseplants and can grow in practically any condition. It is good to place these snake plant at the balcony or outdoor to create a protective barrier or neutralize any bad energy. Palms. Thus, it's best to avoid pointy and spiky plants, such as a cactus, if you want to promote good feng shui … Plants possess a potent source of chi which can be used to energize any part of a home. In common understanding, it is usually determined by the form and shape of the plants. If you are a busy person who wants to benefit from Feng Shui without spending much time on plant care, snake plants are a great pick for you. 1. It is said … Snake plant is an evergreen plant with green succulent leaves, which symbolizes renewal and new beginnings. According to traditional Feng Shui methods, eastern and southeastern corners of your house are great places for snake plants. Be Charmed by the Snake Plant. The front door is one of the primary focal points when assessing the feng shui of any home. Place the plant in the southeast sector of your garden to activate wealth luck. East is good for family and health aspirations, and … It is good to place these snake plant at the balcony or outdoor to create a protective barrier or neutralize any bad energy. Therefore, wealth corner is quite critical in Feng Shui theory. We’re committed to providing our subscribers with value, and we never share your information with other parties. They … Snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law tongue has a bad reputation and typically considered as a bad Feng Shui plant, is it really so? After all, the key idea behind Feng Shui is to see the interconnections between different forces. 2. Beside that, its leaves extends in an upward direction that is an auspicious representation of growth and positivism. The one characteristic that often associates a snake plant with bad Feng Shui is its shape. They improve air quality by absorbing the poisonous gases from the air and eliminate the toxins. Bright yellow and red colors are prosperous any time of the year. Is Placing Wedding Photo Above Bed Bad Feng Shui? Flowering plants are great for this, especially when in bloom. It is that living energy from plants that are used to feng shui a house. They cancel the positive ions emanating from electronics, which we are more and more surrounded with. But in general, snake plants are deemed to be lucky plants when placed in ideal positions. It is a debatable fact that the snake plant is also beneficial by providing protective energy to the space, depending on the position it is placed. Jade is a traditional gift given to new business owners and, when placed near the entrance, is thought to bring prosperity and success. Jade: In feng shui, this plant is also known as the money tree because the round leaves symbolize good fortune (this can come in the form of money, health, or fame). Elements around your home or office work together to create an energy-filled living space. According to traditional feng shui methods, this means the southeastern corner of your home, or by Western methods, the back left corner of your home (when facing the front door). Feng Shui 2021 SNAKE. Plants, which are associated with the wood element, are believed to counterbalance this effect. Too much wood element can make one lethargic and hinder the clear thinking and feeling processes. It should be calm and secluded from the other areas of your house because this is where you come when you want to feel comfort and peace. Although it might appear sharp, the foliage has a quality of protection. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When the west meet the east, are you ready to decorate the Christmas tree in the Feng Shui way for abundance and prosperity? Your email address will not be published. Artificial plants and flowers are less effective but will stimulate chi as long as they are kept clean and tidy. According to Feng Shui, specific arrangements can bring good or bad luck to your health, career and relationships. Jade. Definitely lucky indoor plants, palms are great to create dividers due to their sheer size. Snake Plant. Challenging Feng Shui Plants . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Keeping these plants in the household not only adds purity to the air but also wealth, health and love. Plants are one of the most attractive and easiest remedies used in Feng Shui. Your email address will not be published. In the world of Feng Shui, there are many different types of money plants that are believed to bring wealth and abundance to its owner. Generally speaking, the most popular feng shui plants are evergreen plants with round, heart-shaped, thick and succulent looking leaves. However, from a view of the whole plant, this one feature doesn’t make it an unlucky plant. Prickly plants like cactus are bad for Feng Shui. How to avoid the snake plant bad luck. Thus, in Feng Shui practice, it is important to consider the things you bring into your home, where you keep them, and how you arrange them in your rooms. Just like green color signifies wood element, yellow color is the essence of earth element. ), Feng Shui Pyramid – Benefits, Materials and Placement, Feng Shui Decluttering Tips That Spark Joy into Your Life, Feng Shui Tips For Your House Front Entrance. The long sword-shaped leaves exude strong protective energy and shields the residents from negative chi. Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree (Ficus lyrata) A super popular houseplant right now, the fiddle leaf fig tree is a … The energy can be good and positive or not so good. Houseplants strengthen the energy of the wood element. Some of the examples are Golden Hahnii, and Sansevieria Laurentii. Cleaning out clutter, dusty items, and broken things from this room would be a great start in restoring more harmony, making it easier to conceive. If you have cacti plants all over the place, they will continuously poke you with their pointed spines, making you feel uncomfortable. Caution and extra care must be taken for the 8 and 68-year-old Snake in 2021, with bad potential arising.Don’t ignore signs of illness and take action sooner rather than later. It may also help to improve bad fortune or resolve difficulties. It is beneficial to keep in the areas that require a wood element and yang quality for equilibrium. Koi fish painting is one of the top favourite choice to be displayed in our home or office space to attract good luck and prosperity. Living chi greatly assists to restore the equilibrium of energy. Chi said that these plants are the best Feng Shui plants for protection and cure. One way to create good feng shui is through the placement of certain types of plants in certain areas in or outside your home. Avoid placing these plants indoor, especially bedrooms. Avoid placing these plants indoor, especially bedrooms. They can bring living energy into any space. The aura and energy mapping of plants – the before and after of using plants to cure Feng Shui’s Violence Star. However, the true rule of thumb is this: if you truly love a plant, you can find a place to put it where it can contribute to positive energy. Instead, she would suggest choosing a place where you would need the extra boost instead, like the living room or the office. If the plants are placed on the North bagua, and if there are too many of them, their strong Wood element may weaken the positive feng shui energy. They are less prone to wither away and create a sense of negative energy. Plants can be effectively used to stimulate specific places in your house. Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata Common Name: Snake plant Origin: Western Africa • Snake Plant has tall, green blade-like leaves with subtle light green striping •Plant potted in eco-friendly coconut coir soil made from coconuts Plant will arrive potted in your choice of planter: Exclusive versatile sandstone planter, neutral plastic planter with ribbed border detail at rim. Get a jade plant … 2. Ficus. Advertisement (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The snake plant is considered to be an undesirable plant to have around your house. Plants bring so much to any indoor space, and while there are no "bad" plants, some are a better choice for feng shui than others. For example, the withered, hollow, vine crawled or tilted trees are inauspicious, which requires judging the auspicious or ominous trees from the appearance. Selecting a Healthy Jade Plant You want to be sure that you select a healthy jade plant. Oh, the many charms of this most wonderful and friendly houseplant! Colors also play a minor role in harmonious balancing of energies. Jade plant – according to Feng Shui lore, plants with rounded leaves are sure to bring good fortune and the jade plant is no exception. Because they have a protective chi, snake plants also go well near entrances. This element brings compassion, kindness and inspires growth. Due to sharp leaves and yang quality, some experts suggest keeping them in areas of your home that don’t have high traffic. Top Houseplants Best for Feng Shui. Jade plant fits well the criteria and no doubt it is one of the most popular Feng Shui cure.Jade Plant is a popular good luck … We naturally feel at ease in the company of plants and greenery. It also has air purifying properties, so it is also one of the recommended plants to have in the bedroom. That being said, try not to keep too many plants at home. Besides, it is after all a plant that represents positive chi and the wood element. It can depend on the shape of the plant, colors associated with each element or balance of yin and yang qualities. This single part of a house has countless factors to consider in order to getting it right. The quality of chi emitted by plants can be determined by applying certain criteria. The Cactus plants and Snake Plants, on the other hand, are best grown indoors because of the energy they attract. Snake plants or Mother in law’s tongue are popular houseplants famous for their hardiness. Money Tree You will place the plants in the key areas of your home where they create a welcoming feeling, as well as receive plenty of natural light. The jade plant species Crassula ovata is also called the money plant, dollar plant, cauliflower-ears, or money tree.It is said that the coin-shaped leaves of this Feng Shui plant symbolize wealth. Wearing Feng Shui jewelry is believed to help individual improving the lucks pertaining to their desired intentions. Yet, if you are still concerned about the bad Feng Shui aspect of snake plants, choose the types with “gentler-looking” foliage and auspicious colors. Snake plants are extremely tolerant and easy-to-care. The first way of defining the best positioning of your good feng shui plants is quite easy. HEALTH LUCK FOR THE SNAKE- 2021. East is good for family and health aspirations, and south-east for wealth and prosperity. Plants that have thorns or spikes are generally not good for Feng Shui. These elements are fire, water, earth, metal and wood. Plants with succulent, rounded leaves are better as they have greater balance of yin and yang. This is because the pointed leaves resembles “poison arrow” that can create negative energy vibes when pointed towards one’s body. Feng Shui allows you to make simple changes in your home to invite positive energy. Nowadays urban houses are predominantly filled with electronic devices and synthetic materials. Symptoms and first aid, Grow snake plant in water – No soil indoor care guide, Snake Plant Care – How to grow Mother In Law’s Tongue, Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii – How to grow and care for the snake plant, Viper’s bowstring hemp – How to grow and cultivate the plant. A good balance of elements is important for positive energy flow in our homes. Depending on size, shape and colors, Sansevieria has different quality of chi. Wood opposes metal, so avoid metal sectors also– west and north-west. Feng shui is the use of spatial arrangement to create positive energy that started in ancient China. An example is the cactus plant that has thorns, creating killing energy in all directions. It’s also considered one of the traditional … Never miss a chance to get connected with our latest updates. The scientific name for snake plant is Sansevieria Trifasciata and other common nicknames are mother-in-law’s tongue and viper’s bowstring hemp. Southeastern, Southern, and Eastern corners are the best feng shui spots to place your plants. Chi and Carter both recommended these 8 best plants for home Feng Shui: 1. According to traditional Feng Shui methods, eastern and southeastern corners of your house are great places for snake plants. Those green with rounded leaves are commonly categorized as good Feng Shui plant because they produce a pleasant and nourishing vibe. It elevates our chi and makes us feel more grounded. However, there are many varieties of Sansevieria and most are popular as indoor houseplants. It’s a medium-sized plant that looks good in any setting, but for feng shui purposes, it’s best to put the jade plant in the home office because of its tendency to attract money and business. A living room is a place that should have good Feng Shui. While flowers, trees and plants are good feng shui in general, the one characteristic that often associates a plant with bad feng shui is it’s shape and … Feng Shui is based on an ancient Chinese belief to use energy forces for harmonizing individuals with their environment. In general, the plants should be placed in locations enriched with the plant’s wood element mostly the eastern, southern and southeastern corners. If you still have any concerns, why not choose an alternative good luck Feng Shui plants that can serve the same purpose? Plants are living beings and their energy changes with time. You might be already aware of some of their awesome abilities such as releasing oxygen at night and purifying air by absorbing harmful chemicals. "One of the easiest feng shui principles to remember is to not let clutter accumulate in … It is believed that everyone and everything in the environment has inherent energy (often called chi) associated with them. In feng shui, there’s a concept of sha qi, or sharp energy. They wonderfully forge this vital link by creating a green, living atmosphere around us. According to Feng Shui principles, they can be helpful for maintaining good energy in your house or office. Snake plant leaves are an expression of upward chi and can uplift the spirit of living and dining rooms. However, snake plants can do more than these impressive physical benefits. Feng Shui Tips to Choose and Place Your Christmas Tree, Different Types of Money Plants That Works Well With Feng Shui, Koi Fish Painting – Feng Shui Meaning and Placement, Feng Shui Jewelry – Choose The One That Suit You. So, you may consider placing a few plants, if any, in the North. However, as the wood element destroys earth, avoid placing them in earth sectors– north-east, south-west and center. Electrical equipment and static electricity represents the metal element. 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