best. You have to create a savefile by booting up the game. I want to play Pokemon Battle Revolution for Wii on Wii U using the Wii U Game Pad. save. I used the save export tool and got an oddly named .bin file, renamed to data.bin to look like any other game save for the Wii. Same with Muramasa. I have a problem. This includes launching it or even just inserting the game into the disc drive while the Wii Menu is running. Open Dolphin, go to Tools->Wii Save Import and select the data.bin file (contained in the ZIP archive you attached). How do I import wii saves dolphin on android. share. The save file import option in Dolphin is for the official encrypted save format used by the System Menu; these have a .bin extension so you must have confused it with banner.bin which is totally different. Placing the NAND files into Dolphin. Sort by. This is now more explicit and works like the Wii Menu where it reinstalls a TMD if it's … or just import a nand dump from your wii, which would take care of WiiWare, saves, miis, and allow you to play online if you have a wiimote, use the mii channel (on the wii) to move them from the console to the wiimote, then connect it to your computer with this guide, then use the mii channel (in dolphin) to move them over. But to create a new save it is necessary to point the Wii Remote at the screen and I don't have a Wii Remote here, the game has support for the Wii Classic Control but to get past this New Game screen I need the Wii Remote. report. To dump an entire Wii's internal storage for use with Dolphin, skip this section and move ahead to NAND Usage Guide. Then what you have to do is open the dolphin folder on your Android device and see the path that Windows explorer opened on your PC. Dolphin versions before 5.0-4416 can't take the original SYSCONF file from real consoles, it has its own specially made SYSCONF file in \Wii\shared2\sys\.Use it to overwrite on top of the original SYSCONF file in \nand\shared2\sys\ (under NAND tools' … 0 comments. hide. Download SaveGame Manager GX and launch it through Homebrew Channel on the Wii or vWii. no comments yet. I want to transfer two saves: Muramasa the Demon Blade Super Mario Galaxy 2 I imported my Mario save from my Wii to dolphin, got some power stars, now I want to transfer the new save file back to my Wii again. After this is finished, a new folder \nand\ should be created in the working directory.. Then, go into Dolphin and go to Tools->Wii Save Import and find your save file. Just go onto your Wii and navigate to the save data manager. Fix importing Wii save files with sizes not divisible by 64 #7988 JosJuice merged 1 commit into dolphin-emu : master from JosJuice : fix-wii-save-import Apr 14, 2019 Conversation 2 Commits 1 Checks 0 Files changed Hey there, just like the topic says, I want to know how to transfer save files from Dolphin back to my Wii. Wii's and Dolphin cannot import savefiles if there isn't a savefile already present for the game. Be the first to share what you think! In practice, this means: Saves are now only allowed to be imported if the game was previously 'seen' by ES. Navigate to that path on your Android device. On Dolphin PC, right click the game you want, click open save file location. Dolphin has a built-in converter. Then you'll be able to overwrite the new savefile with your exported one. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Hope this helps someone like me in the future. Copy and replace ALL the files in that folder. I have an Animal Crossing City Folk save on Dolphin. I'm on samsung galaxy s10 and trying to figure out how to use saves for brawl. Then copy any save file you wish to copy to Dolphin to your SD card. 100% Upvoted. Support. It should be located within SD Card Root\private\wii\title\ and in one of the folders located there, there should be a data.bin file. put file on SD card, started up Save Game Manager GX, found the file on the card but the program didn't regonize the file as a Wii save. Simply get a copy of the save … All of its files will be extracted to the game save folder. It's a homebrew app that can transfer save files between the console's internal storage and an SD card. Turns out this was previously the case too, but in a rather implicit fashion.