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{ We would love to give you a tour of our facilities. .project-content .project-info h4,.gform_wrapper label,.gform_wrapper .gfield_description, } Fax: 304-797-1725 input#s,#comment-input input,#comment-textarea textarea,.comment-form-comment textarea,.input-text, .post-password-form .password, } @media only screen and (min-width: 801px) and (max-width: 1014px){ #nav ul li, #sticky-nav ul li { padding-right: 25px !important; } #wrapper .sidebar .fusion-tabs-widget .tabs-container{background-color:#ffffff;} pin. {background-color:#f8f8f8;} .full-boxed-pricing.fusion-pricing-table .standout .panel-heading h3{ } located in Canonsburg, PA, in the Metropolis of Pittsburgh under the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople) From Thursday, August 20 through Sunday, August 23, we will provide many of your favorites, including gyros, souvlaki and baklava, while you sit safely in your car for drive-thru pickup. padding-bottom: 40px; .bbp-arrow{ border-color:#ebeaea; } width:100%; .rtl #wrapper #header-sticky #nav .fusion-megamenu-wrapper ul{ #main-nav-search-form, #sticky-nav-search-form .ei-title h2, #header-sticky,#header .tagline, background: #96c346; border-left-color:#a0ce4e; .review blockquote div strong, font-size:18px; //overflow: hidden !important; The first Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pentecost is observed by the Orthodox Church as the Sunday of All Saints. } {border-color:#dcdadb;} color:#333333; body,.sidebar .slide-excerpt h2, .footer-area .slide-excerpt h2,#slidingbar-area .slide-excerpt h2{ Accessibility Help. body,.post .post-content,.post-content blockquote,#wrapper .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-holder .news-list li .post-holder .meta,.sidebar #jtwt,#wrapper .meta,.review blockquote div,.search input,.project-content .project-info h4,.title-row,.simple-products-slider .price .amount, The annual three-day Greek festival at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church begins Feb. 7. } Through this web site, we are pleased to be able to introduce you to that same worship and fellowship as it is expressed in the life of our Parish. #wrapper .header-social{ Greek Holiday Bake Sale. .image .image-extras .image-extras-content .price { .ei-title h3,.cart-contents, } @media only screen and (max-width: 800px){ .fusion-accordian .panel-title .active .fa-fusion-box, .ei-title h3{ } } background:#a0ce4e; font-family: IcoMoon; .no-cssgradients .woocommerce .shipping-calculator-form .button, } } The Website of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church . } @media (min-width: 1100px ) { #header .cart-content a,#header .cart-content a:hover,#header .login-box,#header .cart-contents,#small-nav .login-box,#small-nav .cart-contents,#small-nav .cart-content a,#small-nav .cart-content a:hover For All Other Donations to All Saints Greek Orthodox Church please click on the DONATE NOW tab. #lang_sel_click ul ul a, #lang_sel_click ul ul a:visited, We would love to have you as a valuable supporter of our Ministry. .rev_slider_wrapper .tp-rightarrow:before{ right:-170px; For All Other Donations to All Saints Greek Orthodox Church please click on the DONATE NOW tab. .tp-bullets .bullet.last{ All Saints Greek Orthodox Church's annual Greek Food Festival continues through Saturday. .no-cssgradients #main .comment-submit, background-color:#ccc ; .button.default,.button-default,.gform_wrapper .gform_button,#comment-submit,.woocommerce .avada-shipping-calculator-form .button,.woocommerce form.checkout #place_order,.woocommerce .single_add_to_cart_button, .woocommerce button.button,#reviews input#submit,.woocommerce .login .button,.woocommerce .register .button, #wrapper .header-social .menu > li, .mobile-menu-sep{ .pagination .current, .woocommerce-side-nav li a,.woocommerce-content-box,.woocommerce-content-box h2,.my_account_orders tr,.woocommerce .address h4,.shop_table tr,.cart_totals .total,.chzn-container-single .chzn-single,.chzn-container-single .chzn-single div,.chzn-drop,form.checkout .shop_table tfoot,.input-radio,p.order-info,.cart-content a img,.panel.entry-content, Being on time to services will help us to monitor who is attending and will help us to observe social distancing as we enter the Church. .mobile-nav-holder .mobile-selector .selector-down:before, .mobile-menu-icons a, .mobile-menu-icons a:before{color:#dadada;} .bbp-submit-wrapper button,.wpcf7-form input[type="submit"], .wpcf7-submit, .bbp-submit-wrapper .button Welcome to the Facebook page for the All Saints Greek Orthodox Church Food Festival. .project-content .project-info .project-info-box a:hover, } .fusion-accordian .panel-heading a, .footer-area,.footer-area article.col,.footer-area #jtwt,.footer-area #jtwt .jtwt_tweet,.copyright{color:#8C8989;} { .button.default.button-3d.button-small, .fusion-button.button-small.button-3d .image .image-extras .image-extras-content a, This day has been designated as a commemoration of all of the Saints, all the Righteous, the Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Shepherds, Teachers, and Holy Monastics, both men and women alike, known and unknown, who have been added to the choirs of the Saints and shall be added, from the time of Adam until the end of the world, who have been perfected in piety and have glorified Go… WEIRTON — Online ordering continues through Wednesday for All Saints Greek Orthodox Church’s 33rd-annual Greek Food Festival, which runs from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday. .post-content .error-menu li:before, 2 were here. .project-content .project-info .project-info-box a,.sidebar .widget li a, .sidebar .widget .recentcomments, .sidebar .widget_categories li, #main .post h2 a, .about-author .title a, body a:after, .tagcloud a:hover,#header-sticky .my-account-link:hover:after,#header .my-account-link:hover:after,body #header-sticky .my-account-link-active:after,body #header .my-account-link-active:after, .star-rating:before,.star-rating span:before,.price ins .amount, .avada-order-details .shop_table.order_details tfoot tr:last-child .amount, .bbp_reply_admin_links .admin_links_sep, .bbp-admin-links .admin_links_sep{ #nav ul ul,#sticky-nav ul ul{ opacity:0.8; {color:#747474;} 1 Reviews (724) 745-5205 Website. } } }.imageframe-dropshadow img{ {background-color:#f2efef;} ul.arrow li:before, .imageframe-glow img{ #wrapper{ .cart-contents *, .top-menu .cart-content a .cart-title, .top-menu .cart-content a .quantity, .image .image-extras .image-extras-content .product-buttons a, .product-buttons a, #header-sticky .cart-content a .cart-title, #header-sticky .cart-content a .quantity, #header .cart-content a .cart-title, #header .cart-content a .quantity, .sticky-header #sticky-nav .cart-checkout a, #header .cart-checkout a { #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-tags a,#bbpress-forums #bbp-single-user-details,div.bbp-template-notice, div.indicator-hint, padding-top: 43px; .avada-thank-you .order_details li:after, #wrapper .fusion-megamenu-wrapper .fusion-megamenu-title{font-size:18px;} .quicktags-toolbar input { .fusion-separator .icon-wrapper, html, body, .bbp-arrow { background-color:#ffffff; } We are in communion with the ancient Orthodox Christian Church, the very same New Testament Church founded by Jesus Christ in the time of His Apostles to be the “spiritual hospital” for all of humanity; the earthly expression of the Kingdom which is, and is to come. .ei-title h2{color:#333333;} .ei-slider{height:400px;} .page-title .breadcrumbs{display:none;} background-color:#fafafa; } left:-170px; Who We Are. #slidingbar-area .tagcloud a, height:32px; progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0); .avada-select-parent .select-arrow,.select-arrow, #header-sticky .my-cart-link-active:after, .header-wrapper .my-cart-link-active:after .fusion-testimonials .author:after{ Show Map. .woocommerce .login .button, = December 2020 => 1 WINE/OIL. #wrapper .page-title-container{ .image .image-extras .image-extras-content h4, position:absolute; background-image: -webkit-gradient( background-position: 29px 19px ; body,.sidebar .slide-excerpt h2, .footer-area .slide-excerpt h2,#slidingbar-area .slide-excerpt h2, The success of our Ministry is grounded in the committment of our Stewards/Parishioners and Friends of the Parish throught unselfish offerings of Time, Talent, and Treasure. 1 WINE/OIL. .button.large, .button.small, .button.medium,.button.xlarge, background-position:top center; } #lang_sel_click a, #lang_sel_click a:visited,#wrapper .search-table .search-field input{ .page-title-container{ font-family:"PT Sans", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -webkit-transition-property: top, left, opacity; } Mini Food Festival in Canonsburg, All Saints Greek Orthodox Church - Canonsburg, PA, Thursday, 12. .comment-form input[type="submit"], body #toTop:before {color:#fff;} .button-default, .button-large, .button-small, .button-medium,.button-xlarge, color:#333333; input#s,input#s .placeholder,#comment-input input,#comment-textarea textarea,#comment-input .placeholder,#comment-textarea .placeholder,.comment-form-comment textarea,.input-text, .post-password-form .password, { #wrapper .footer-area .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-holder, background-position:bottom center; border-top-color:#f6f6f6; .main-nav-search-form input,.search-page-search-form input,.chzn-container-single .chzn-single,.chzn-container .chzn-drop, -o-transition: all .2s; } .post-content h6{ line-height:51px; in Pittsburgh (2011), The Process of Receiving Non-Orthodox Persons Into the Orthodox Church, Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 12/05/2020. #wrapper .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-holder,.commentlist .the-comment, background-color:#363839; OPA! box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px #fff, 0px 1px 0px #54770F, 1px 4px 4px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); .onsale,.woocommerce-pagination .current, } left:auto; .fusion-flip-box .flip-box-heading-back{ .footer-area .widget_recent_entries li progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0); The church … Mary Magdalene and Markella Greek Orthodox Church Sts. .no-cssgradients .woocommerce .avada-order-details .order-again .button{ .fusion-person .person-author-wrapper .person-name, .fusion-person .person-author-wrapper .person-title { opacity:0.8; #footer{ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-family:"Antic Slab", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ALWAYS A FAVORITE — Gyros are always a favorite when All Saints Greek Orthodox Church at 3528 West St., Weirton, holds its annual Greek Food Festival. left:auto; #wrapper .fusion-megamenu-wrapper .fusion-megamenu-holder, } background-color:#333333; .fusion-sharing-box h4, box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px #fff, 0px 5px 0px #54770F, 1px 7px 7px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); Hosted by All Saints Greek Food Festival. font-size:16px; Darigold Chocolate Milk Costco, } #mobile-nav { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px #fff, 0px 2px 0px #54770F, 1px 7px 7px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); Amazing Greek Meals, Home-Made Pastries. {border-bottom:1px solid #dcdadb;} box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3); #header-sticky .avada-row,#header .avada-row, #main .avada-row, .footer-area .avada-row,#slidingbar-area .avada-row, #footer .avada-row, .page-title, .header-social .avada-row, #small-nav .avada-row{ max-width:100%; } background-image: -webkit-gradient( font-family:"Antic Slab", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px #fff, 0px 1px 0px #54770F, 1px 5px 5px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); .image .image-extras .image-extras-content h2, background-color: #f9f9f9} display: none; .gform_wrapper .gfield input[type=text],.gform_wrapper .gfield input[type=email],.gform_wrapper .gfield textarea,.gform_wrapper .gfield select, margin-left: -1px; .portfolio-tabs li.active a, .faq-tabs li.active a, .fusion-pricing-table .pricing-row, {color:#333333;} .rev_slider_wrapper .tp-rightarrow{ #footer{ .image .image-extras .image-extras-content h4 a, For 2020 Pledges click on: 2020 STEWARDSHIP tab. .image .image-extras .image-extras-content .cats, #mobile-nav li a:hover { .side-nav,#wrapper .side-nav li a,.rtl .side-nav,h5.toggle.active + .toggle-content, #wrapper .sidebar .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-holder,.sidebar .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-holder .news-list li{border-color:#ebeaea;} By Michael Buzzelli , Neighbor Jun 7, 2011 1:23 a m ET | Updated Jun 8, 2011 4:11 p m ET #footer{ Jesse of Georgia Martyr Myrope. @media only screen and (min-device-width: 801px) and (max-device-width: 1014px){ } } in Pittsburgh (2011), The Process of Receiving Non-Orthodox Persons Into the Orthodox Church, Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 12/05/2020. filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#ffffff') line-height:20px; font-size:12px; .no-cssgradients .wpcf7-form input[type="submit"]:hover, .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-text,.wpcf7-form .wpcf7-quiz,.wpcf7-form .wpcf7-number,.wpcf7-form textarea,.wpcf7-form .wpcf7-select,.wpcf7-select-parent .select-arrow,.wpcf7-captchar,.wpcf7-form .wpcf7-date, #wrapper .post-content h2,#wrapper .fusion-title h2,#wrapper #main .post-content .fusion-title h2,#wrapper .title h2,#wrapper #main .post-content .title h2,#wrapper #main .post h2,#wrapper .woocommerce .checkout h3, .cart-empty{ .fusion-accordian .panel-title a,.fusion-sharing-box h4{font-size:13px;} #wrapper .fusion-megamenu-wrapper .fusion-megamenu-title, #nav .fusion-megamenu-wrapper ul{left:auto;} .no-cssgradients .button-default:hover, } #wrapper .post-content h2,#wrapper .fusion-title h2,#wrapper #main .post-content .fusion-title h2,#wrapper .title h2,#wrapper #main .post-content .title h2,#wrapper #main .post h2, #wrapper #main .post h2, #wrapper .woocommerce .checkout h3, #main .portfolio h2 { .bbp-topic-pagination .current, #main .sidebar{ color:#333333; All Saints Greek Orthodox Church 601 W. McMurray Rd, Canonsburg, PA 15317-2437 ... sponsor MUST BE a paid up member of the corresponding District through Oct. 1, 2020. 2210 , 2 , $12 2194 , 3 , $18 2140 , 1 , $6 2113 , 1 , $6 2107 , 5 , $30 2090 , 5 , $30 2084 , 1 , $6 1988 , 1 , $6 1956 , 5 , $30 1577 , 3 , $18 1565 , 1 , $6 .woocommerce .register .button, body .sidebar .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-hold .tabs li{border-right:1px solid #ffffff;} #wrapper .fusion-tabs-widget .tab-holder .tabs li.active a, .sidebar .widget li a:hover, .no-cssgradients .button.default, .main-nav-search-form input,.search-page-search-form input,.chzn-container-single .chzn-single,.chzn-container .chzn-drop,.avada-select-parent select, #wrapper .search-table .search-field input , in any case, enable you to make the informed decisions that are necessary for a meaningful with.,... a special Food all saints greek orthodox church canonsburg food festival 2020 the Church … Mary Magdalene and Markella Greek Orthodox Metropolis Pittsburgh! 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