Remove yellowing leaves as they occur throughout the year on the ZZ plant. They prefer the average levels of house humidity. Warning. If you’re seeing a lot of yellowing, remove your plant from its container and examine the roots to make sure they’re still healthy and white. Some are large and spread out while others are small and compact. Unlike a plant that suddenly wilts all over when thirsty, a dehydrated ZZ plant dies back stem by stem. The plant contains a sap that reacts with your skin’s mucous membranes. While regular pruning is usually unnecessary for ZZ Plants, there are certain occasions where trimming the plant will benefit it in the long run. If you find any brown or mushy roots, prune them back before replanting the ZZ. ZZ Plant Care Guide Light . Often mistaken for a cardboard palm and other cycads, the ZZ plant has an exotic appearance that belies its ease of care and maintenance. Repotting a ZZ Plant is actually a pretty straightforward process. He also covers parenting, juvenile science experiments, cooking and alternative/home remedies. Wipe dust from a ZZ plant’s leaves once every week or every two weeks with a soft, damp cloth. Most literature says that ZZ plants grow slowly, but this is not my experience! How to Prune ZZ Plants Each ZZ plant stem is actually a big leaf with a center rib and leaflets. ZZ plant stalks falling over can also be a sign of trauma to your plant. Nip back the ZZ plant's stems if you think they are too long by using clean, sharp shears. I clean my scissors with a mild bleach solution (1 parts bleach to 9 parts water) or wipe them down with isopropyl alcohol. Below is a quick overview, but for all the information on propagating ZZs, click here.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])); To do so, remove the leaves off the bottom 4-6 inches of stem and place the tip of it into a bottle or vase of water. As I said before, there are very few cases in which you would need to prune your ZZ at all. Some of these stems from the same plant grow straight up and then others arch over, which may encourage you to prune odd looking stems to keep the plant looking full and shaped well. ZZ plants need excellent drainage. The purple leaves are a superb contrast to any plant, green, blue, or yellow. With a height of 4-6 feet and a spread of 4 feet this shrub looks great just about anywhere! If you’d like, you can use a half-strength fertilizer to feed the plant one or two times per year during warmer months. Pop them in some water and let them root. That means it won’t re-sprout if chopped off in the middle. If you have a ZZ with yellow or brown leaves or stems, use the tips above to prune them back and keep your plant healthy. To remove a dead or dying leaf, simply pluck it off by hand or use a sharp knife or scissors to remove. The ZZ plant is poisonous if ingested, according to the University of Connecticut and Mature ZZ plants often drop old leaves. ZZs have large underground rhizomes they use as reservoirs, so these plants don’t need to be watered often. The last reason that you may want to prune your ZZ is if you have any oddly shaped stems. Cut them above the soil level as they cannot be restored once you prune them at ground level. This plant’s thick, succulent leaves, stems and underground tubers store water, allowing the plant to survive droughts up to several months long. If your plant’s stems ever start to get wacky or grow into spaces you don’t want them to be in, you can easily prune the plant by snipping the stems off. If you’re looking to take more drastic measures than a quick trim, consider removing entire stems altogether. Of course, if the branches are getting in the way, feel free to prune them. Some of these stems from the same plant grow straight up and then others arch over, which may encourage you to prune odd looking stems to keep the plant looking full and shaped well. This task promotes aspiration and keeps the leaves shiny and attractive. You should note that the sap inside a ZZ Plant contains a compound called calcium oxalate that, when exposed to your skin, can cause irritation. Remove yellow leaves throughout the year as mature plants drop older leaves. I recommend trimming no more than 20% off your ZZ at one time as you don’t want to shock your plant. So aesthetic pruning is seldom necessary. Once a leaf has turned brown, it cannot be restored back to green again. ZZ plants are not the best plants to have when you have cats in the house. Sudden leaf and stem decline occur when the plant is kept too wet or allowed to dehydrate over two or three months. If you have a plant that developed a weird shaped limb that you don’t like, clip it off. How to prune ZZ-plant? Propagation by division is the simplest way to create more ZZ plants—simply separate the rhizomes the next time you repot your ZZ plant and plant in a separate container. Extensive pruning is not necessary. However, if it still has a good root system below, you’ll probably need to use a blade to remove it completely. Plant as a specimen or focal plant or add to a mixed bed. The main instance you’d want to trim your plant is to remove individual dead or dying leaves from the stems. The ZZ plant is poisonous if ingested, according to the University of Connecticut and If you want to be cautious, wear gloves when doing anything to ZZ stems. Pruning is a great way to control unwanted growth, and if you want, you can also propagate the different branches with considerable ease. Cut them off at the soil level because they cannot be restored by the time they wrinkle and all the leaves turn yellow. But, ZZ plants naturally do grow to be a couple feet tall, so it'll likely grow big no matter what. The ZZ plant will accommodate a broad spectrum of light conditions, however it doesn't like harsh direct sunlight found in South facing windows. Since ZZ plants are slow growers, they do not need to be repotted that often. This is one of the most common forms of pruning on hibiscus plants. Note: Raven® ZZ plant is grown for ornamental purposes only. If the sap within the stem gets onto your skin, it can cause irritation and discomfort. Flowering: The ZZ plant does produce small flowers at the base of the plant when it's grown in it's own habitat or outdoors. You’ll want to make sure all cuts are quick and clean. Sometimes leaves die off as they get older. But from time to time, I do need to prune or trim back a small portion of the plant. In fact, ZZ is so impressive that is was named a Florida Plant of the Year by FNGLA (Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association) more than once. Just remove the yellow leaves and cut back stems that are overgrown. As Zamioculcas zamiifolia was long and difficult to say, many nursery workers simply shortened it to ZZ. Read on for more information! ZZ plant stems grow in a graceful, wand-like shape that starts thick and bulbous at the base and then tapers to a point. If your ZZ has a few leaves that are yellow or brown, don’t worry. They do well to shape themselves naturally as they grow. Unlike other plants in my collection, ZZs are extremely low maintenance. How to Choose the Best Soil and Pot for Your ZZ Plant, Help for an Overwatered ZZ Plant: 5 Steps to Recovery, When to Water Your ZZ: Four Signs Your Plant Needs a Drink, Why Is My ZZ Plant Not Growing? If a whole leaf (or “stem”) is looking rough, you can prune it back to the soil line and other leaves will re-sprout. How to propagate ZZ plant; Do ZZ Plants Grow Fast? Again, no sawing motions or serrated blades. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])); ZZ Plants usually grow to be 2-3 feet in height and can really spread out and take over a space. The cutting is tall & has a bit of … The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) gets its common name from its botanical name. If you are removing healthy growth due to the size or shape of the plant, you may want to propagate the stems you clip instead of throwing them into the trash. Take a cutting from a mature ZZ plant that has at least two leaves and a portion of the stem and plant it in a well-draining soil mix. Also, no sawing motions or serrated blades. Use clean scissors to cut your plant, and don’t trim off more than about 20 percent of the leaves at once, or you may shock the plant. But, ZZ plants naturally do grow to be a couple feet tall, so it'll likely grow big no matter what. You may need to prune the ZZ plant over time, but prune with care because each sprout of the plant is actually a leaf. These plants can definitely handle it.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-banner-1','ezslot_1',110,'0','0'])); Sometimes yellow stems are a result of damaged or rotted roots. If you notice multiple stems losing their color or dying, the most likely cause is overwatering. If your plant’s stems ever start to get wacky or grow into spaces you don’t want them to be in, you can easily prune the plant by snipping the stems off. Large-Specimen Indoor Plants That Are Easy to Care For, How to Care for a Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Plant With Yellowing Leaves, Easy Bloom: ZZ Plant -- Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, Everliving Greenery: Tips for Grooming Tropical Plants, Garden Heights: Indoor Tropical Plants for Improving Air Quality, Types of Small to Medium Potted Palm Trees. You can keep maintaining it by pruning as you have, a lot of people do so, but it will keep trying to grow back. If you notice that the leaves have dry and crispy tips, you need to prune your ZZ plant and increase the frequency of watering, as this is a common indicator of under-watering. ZZs grow slowly and do not usually require much, if any, pruning. Remember, it is important to use clean and sharp utensils for pruning. The ZZ plant is quite easy to propagate, mainly because it doesn’t have any special requirements. When you make purchases through links on our site, we earn a small commission. If the stem is healthy, you may want to consider propagating it to start a second plant. I clean my scissors with a mild bleach solution (1 parts bleach to 9 parts water) or wipe them down with isopropyl alcohol. I love them because they require so little effort on my part. Damaged stalks are very unlikely to recover and should be removed with sterile pruning … These are just a few ways by which you can control the size of your ZZ plant. As long as your plant is healthy overall, the loss of one or two stems is not a problem. Do Monstera Deliciosas Like Humidity and Misting? I planted the well rooted cutting in with my smaller ZZ Plant. Dull blades tend to crush rather than slice, and dirty instruments may introduce disease. ZZ PLANT SOIL. Flowering: The ZZ plant does produce small flowers at the base of the plant when it's grown in it's own habitat or outdoors. ZZ Plant The plant commonly known as "ZZ" has become a popular houseplant because of its interesting foliage and adaptability to challenging growing conditions. Fertilizing your ZZ plant . Fertilizing: Fertilize your plant once or twice in the spring or summer months using a diluted liquid fertilizer like 20-20-20. ZZs are drought tolerant and do not need much water. Soak the soil surface once every week or two weeks but not so much that it becomes soggy or wet. New growth emerges variegated with a blend of pink, purple, and white. ZZ plant stems grow in a graceful, wand-like shape that starts thick and bulbous at the base and then tapers to a point. Generally, a plant will grow more compact the more light it receives, and the stems will be less likely to flop over. Tip. To successfully transplant, repot your plant into a new container (with a drainage hole) that is slightly larger than the old one, using a quick-draining potting soil mixture. As long as the plant appears healthy overall and continues producing new leaves, a yellow leaf now and then is not a matter for concern. This will free the plant up to send the energy it was trying to force to the dying leaf back into the rest of the plant where it can be used more effectively. Is ZZ plant poisonous? Small children, pets or rough treatment of your plant can lead to damage to the stalks, causing them to break and fall over. Early morning or late afternoon sun is acceptable, therefore try to aim for a North, East or West facing window. Because a ZZ plant rarely suffers from pests and diseases, dead and dying stems probably result from improper watering. Because they don’t require a lot of pruning, this is a plant that I can sit back and enjoy with minimal effort on my part. As Zamioculcas zamiifolia was long and difficult to say, many nursery workers simply shortened it to ZZ. In fact, my ZZ plant even shot out plenty of new growth in the middle of our dismal Ohio winters. Should a ZZ Plant be pruned? Alternatively, ZZ plants can also be propagated by leaf cuttings. Whenever you’re cutting into a ZZ stem you will encounter this sap and it is important to not touch your face or eyes and wash your hands afterward. ZZ plant stalks falling over can also be a sign of trauma to your plant. Watering It is best to trim a stem back all the way to the soil level and remove them entirely. Re-evaluate your watering practices if a single stem suddenly withers and all the plant's leaves turn yellow. If this is the case, prune your plant and enhance the frequency of watering. In fact, ZZ is so impressive that is was named a Florida Plant of the Year by FNGLA (Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association) more than once. The next step in caring for the ZZ plant is to fertilize it one time per month during the spring and summer months. There are a few cases however, where you might want to consider a trim or cut to your plant. Pruning ZZ plants Credit: Terrain. So if you need to prune your plant back (to cut off dead or damaged leaves, for example), prune the stem all the way to the soil line. When in doubt, wait a few more days before watering again. But, propagation can take up to 9 months or even more. How to Prune a ZZ Plant. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to consider wearing a pair of gloves while pruning. Now that you know the basic care for a ZZ plant, make sure you know what to do once it starts flourishing! I personally prefer to leave the more unique looking stems on my ZZs. Learn when to prune your flowering shrubs. When trimming a ZZ, you’ll want to only clip the tips of the plant. Unsurprisingly, your Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant is also tolerant of minimal feeding conditions. A full-time writer since 2007, Axl J. Amistaadt is a DMS 2013 Outstanding Contributor Award recipient. ZZ Plant The plant commonly known as "ZZ" has become a popular houseplant because of its interesting foliage and adaptability to challenging growing conditions. PROPAGATION OF THE ZZ PLANT ZAMIOCULCAS ZAMIIFOLIA. The ZZ plant is highly drought-tolerant but has limits. Why Your Monstera Deliciosa Is Crying, Sweating and Dripping Water, How to Save a ZZ Plant From Root Rot: A Step By Step Guide, Can You Propagate Pilea Plants from Leaves? However, over time, you will start to see new growth from your ZZ and it will be ready to be planted in soil. Raven® doesn't require high humidity like some other common houseplants, but can be grown in a humid environment alongside calatheas, pothos, and arrowhead plant. Luckily, ZZs are also extremely hardy and if given enough time can turn into a beautiful show-stopper of a houseplant. Sometimes, when the overwatering has reached the rhizome of a certain stem the whole piece will come up cleanly with an easy tug. Prune out dead and dying stems. Sometimes yellowing spreads to an entire stem of your ZZ Plant. I have one in particular with a very odd kink in the stem that I think gives it character. That really isn’t’ the case with these ZZ plants. This Loropetalum is the perfect centerpiece plant to build around. Tips to Get It Growing Again, ZZ Plants and Coffee Grounds: Tips to Naturally Fertilize Your Plant, Why Do ZZ Leaves Curl? Pruning is a great way to control unwanted growth, and if you want, you can also propagate the different branches with considerable ease. To do this, use your sharp scissors or knife that has been sterilized and clip the stem at its base. They are naturally slow growers and trimming them back won’t change that. Tips & Tricks for Happy Leaves. So occasional yellowing of a few aged leaves is normal. You can also prune stems if they are too long using cutters or shears. To prune, use a sharp and clean knife or scissors and remove leaves at the base, close to the stem and stems at the base, close to the soil. Small children, pets or rough treatment of your plant can lead to damage to the stalks, causing them to break and fall over. If you choose not to wear gloves, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant. As long as your overall plant looks healthy, your ZZ is fine.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','0'])); If, however, you’re noticing a lot of leaves losing color, you may have a bigger issue with your plant that needs to be resolved. Wipe dust from a ZZ plant’s leaves once every week or every two weeks with a soft, damp cloth. I love my ZZ Plants and I have them in all shapes and sizes. how to repotting zamioculcas zamiifolia (zz plant) - YouTube Next will be the full prune. This evergreen shrub provides year-round color that can't be beat. Do not water the plant again until the soil becomes dry 1 inch below soil surface. Remove yellowing leaves as they occur throughout the year on the ZZ plant. In this case, you should start pruning your plant and skip watering for about a month. Regarding this, how do you shape a ZZ plant? However, if you notice any wilting or yellowing leaves, or dying stems, you may remove them carefully with a pair of shears. These are just a few ways by which you can control the size of your ZZ plant. They prefer the average levels of house humidity. Never use commercial leaf shining products on this plant. To remove entire stems, clip at the base as close to the soil as possible.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',112,'0','0'])); Again, remember to wear gloves when clipping into ZZ stems as you are likely to get sap on your hands, which can cause skin irritation and discomfort. All cuts should be quick and clean. Once you’ve evaluated your plant, removing a ZZ stem is quick and easy. Be sure to sterilize your blade first, as any time you cut into a plant you have the potential of introducing bacteria and disease. Just remove the dry leaves, and that’s it. Be careful as you’ll probably expose yourself to the sap within the ZZ Plant when removing a stem this way, which can cause irritation to your skin. Regardless of why you are pruning your ZZ Plant, be sure to only use clean, sharp scissors or garden shears to make even cuts in the stem. The most common cause of discolored and droopy ZZs is overwatering. The most common moniker is ZZ plant, followed by zammy, eternity plant, aroid palm, succulent philodendron and fat boy. Lift the plant out of its pot, carefully separate the rhizomes and replant into clean pots with new potting mix. Can ZZ Plants Purify the Air in Your Home and Office? Can You Cut the Top Off of a Madagascar Palm to Propagate Multiple Growth? ZZ Plants are very slow growers and you may not see any roots or rhizomes grow for several months. Kind of…. In fact, the plant does not need much fertilizer, if any, to stay happy. In this case, you should start pruning your plant and skip watering for about a month. ZZ plants propagate in two main ways: through division, and through leaf cuttings. Pruning ZZ plants Credit: Terrain Grab a yellowing leaf, and pull it off. Money Trees and Sapping: What Is It & Why Does It Happen? It is best to trim a stem back all the way to the soil level and remove them entirely. The ZZ plant is very slow growing, so it really doesn’t need a lot of pruning. Grab a yellowing leaf, and pull it off. If you are hoping to keep your plant on the smaller side, eventually you will need to prune your ZZ by giving the ends a trim. I like to use a cactus and succulent mix for these plants, but I also will mix in additional coarse perlite or pumice.. My go-to potting soil when I want to use a succulent/cactus mix is Miracle Gro Cactus Palm and Citrus mix.. This slow-growing plant virtually shapes itself and always looks attractive. To trim your ZZ, use your sharp sharp scissors or knife and clip the ends off the stems that have become very long. Removing diseased or damaged foliage, cutting back leggy growth, and topping longer stems to even out the plant are all good reasons to grab your garden shears. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Give it proper care as detailed in this post, and your ZZ plant will grow quickly too! The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) gets its common name from its botanical name. Pruning ZZ plants. Native to Tanzania and Zanzibar, the ZZ excels as a houseplant and is winter-hardy only in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and 10. He publishes online articles with major focus on pets, wildlife, gardening and fitness. Generally, a plant will grow more compact the more light it receives, and the stems will be less likely to flop over. Nip back the ZZ plant’s stems if you think they are too long by using clean, sharp shears. You can keep maintaining it by pruning as you have, a lot of people do so, but it will keep trying to grow back. Once a year, at the beginning of spring is the best time to repot. While a ZZ left completely on its own in a dark closet will eventually falter and fail, it is much less fussy and … Pruning: ZZ plants don’t require extensive pruning. Again, this usually is not cause for concern as the older portions of your plant will die off over time. ZZ plants grow from thick, large rhizomes. Make sure the rhizome is … As I said before, there are very few cases in which you would need to prune your ZZ at all. A few long stems broke off my ZZ Plant while dividing it into 3. We are a member of several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to external sites. If your plant only requires watering one time per month, you can fertilize and water simultaneously. How, When and Why To Prune Your ZZ Plant Before We Get Started…. At the very least, wash your hands completely after you’re finished. As its maturing stems and leaves thicken and grow heavy, they droop gracefully and impart a fuller overall appearance. Pruning is generally only done to remove dead or dying leaves and stems or to keep a plant from growing too tall. For that reason, recommends either wearing gloves to protect yourself when you prune and water a ZZ plant or washing your hands well after those tasks. You can also grow new ZZs from cuttings. You should note that the sap inside a ZZ Plant contains a compound called calcium oxalate that,... Pruning Back Dying Leaves. In the case that your ZZ stem has a good grip on the soil, simply use a pair of sharp scissors or knife and cut it all the way back to the soil level. How to Prune a ZZ Plant Things You Will Need. As the leaves mature they turn a regal purple that just pops in the landscape! The ZZ plant is very slow growing, so it really doesn’t need a lot of pruning. New leaves grow from the rhizomes up through the soil. ZZ — shorthand for the plant’s tongue-tangling botanical name, Zamioculcas zamiifolia — may be the solution for anyone who wishes they could grow something — anything — without much attention and hassle, and better still if it can thrive on neglect. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia is a slow growing, reliable performer that is easy to propagate. Prune out dead and dying stems. Deep shade must also be avoided if you want it to grow. Four Signs Your Rubber Tree Plant Needs a Drink of Water, Watering Your Rubber Tree Plant: Everything You Need to Know. Snipped stems are one way you can propagate a ZZ plant. They are naturally slow growers and trimming them back won’t change that. Pruning Pruning is not required except to remove old faded leaves that have aged out. Try a hedge, border, or mass planting for a unique and colorful look. Depending on how dead the stem is, it may be as easy as gently pulling on the stem to remove it from the ground. 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