As for the feeding schedule, most molly keepers prefer to feed them two times daily and they do the feeding in 12-hour intervals. It is delighting to note that as compared to other fish foods, this option does not extremely badly affect the condition and clarity of your aquarium water. One of the most common freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby today, and quite often the most unusual, is the Black Molly. Mollies should be fed every single day. So, if you want to help them sustain a very gorgeous color, this fish diet option can assist you in achieving that goal. In line with this, it ensures to provide aquatic creatures with more readily use nutrients so this could lead to a clearer and cleaner tank water condition. Since this fish species is an omnivore, they commonly eat plant-based matters, tiny invertebrates, and algae. Also, molly fish is additionally extremely phytophagous, as they eat proteins only once in a while. Overall, this molly fish diet is enriched with high amounts of antioxidants that promote healthy cells, contain high proteins that enable faster fish growth, and loaded with prebiotics that greatly aids in impeding many digestion-related issues. With proper feeding, care, and tank maintenance, you surely won’t have stress in taking care of these very adorable aquatic creatures. More than that, these come with high levels of carotene that is superior at bolstering the natural and brilliant color of aquatic creatures. If shopping in local stores is not your thing, and you prefer to browse online and enjoy shopping there; then the best online shopping sites for you to check out consist of Live Aquaria, PetCo, Amazon, Petwarehouse, and PetSmart. They CAN eat almost anything that will fit in their mouth, but they should have a decent veggie or algae content in their diet. Also read: Why Does Molly Fish Eat at the Edge of the Aquarium? Plus, mollies can go without food for quite a while. *Typical food: Very similar to Platties, Swordtails are omnivores and will eat most foods offered with a leaning towards high quality vegetable matter such as Spirulina in their diet to thrive, for this reason a food such as the ultra preium all nautral AAP Custom Omnivore or Spirulina 20 Fish Food Flake would be a good basic diet to start with. 1. It is made with a distinctive formulation that significantly bolsters food consumption and cuts down fish waste to make the tank water condition ideal most of the time. It also has select proteins for growth and vitality. The tropical fish mollies are live bearer fish. If you constantly wonder what to feed molly fish, then you can narrow down your options by investing in this brand. As novices in fish keeping world, it is oftentimes practical to take the advice of those who are experts in the field. In so doing, you will discover how more prominent these are in terms of quality. And, this article aims to encourage molly keepers to rotate the foods for their aquatic pets so to come up with a complete and well-rounded fish diet that would satisfy all their nutritional requirements. Tank Maintenance. They also differ in shape since crisps look like a thin disc. It is helpful to conduct some research on a premium quality flake food for your fish tank friends. They will eat flakes, frozen, freeze dried and definitely live fish foods. Aside from these, you can feed them with algae-based flake foods. Soybean and wheat flour meal are sources of carbohydrates that must be avoided when buying foods for your fish tank settlers. Mollies feel delighted with planted tanks; this means that the more plants there are inside the tank, the happier they become. At that size they will do fine in a main tank with sailfin mollies. Consider adding a variety of both fast and slow sinking fish foods. This would make a remarkable difference and you are more apt to enjoy positive outcomes in terms of breeding and to the overall well-being of your fish tank inhabitants. You can opt for these options if you wish to minimize tank water waste. Use ground fish food of the same type that you feed to your adult mollies. These foods are practical investments because of their nutrient-packed contents. While it is possible to feed mollies with some foods that were formulated for other types of fish species, still the best way to properly feed them is by providing them with foods that have considered their daily nutrition needs. These are top-rated in terms of sterling fish color enhancement capability and work as a nutritionally balanced and varied fish diet. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This can include using live foods such as bloodworms, shrimp, fruit flies and mosquito larvae that will encourage their hunting abilities (these can be sourced from your local pet store or fish food provider); only put as many as your mollies can eat in one minute into the tank at once. These are just a few of the negative aspects that can be noticed if you feed your fish tank dwellers with these flakes. Just got Tropical Fish (Molly's / Mollies) Can they eat Pellets? Take into consideration that contrary to what was expected, these foods are not colored pellets, they are reddish. All Rights Reserved. This can substitute plant matter in their diet.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'molliesfish_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',114,'0','0'])); If you are looking to breed your Mollies then it is recommended that you also feed them frozen foods such as , brine shrimp, bloodworms and daphnia.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'molliesfish_com-box-4','ezslot_6',122,'0','0'])); They also love live food and will not turn away from them either. The best places where you can easily find and buy the right foods designed for mollies include various local fish or pet stores in your area. As for the food with vegetable components it’s better to feed molly with flakes or you can give it pieces of boiled cucumbers, squash, lettuce leaves. Frozen and canned vegetables can usually be fed without cooking. If you strictly follow the directions in terms of feeding schedule and food amount during feeding sessions, then you can be guaranteed that your fish tank occupants obtain the nutrition they deserve. I will help you navigate these situations with the tips and tricks you can read about below. Take into account that you need to follow the directed food amount and feeding schedule to avoid overfeeding your fish tank dwellers. Cheap – To be clear, we wouldn’t have nearly the same kind of enthusiasm for mollies if they were anywhere near the cost of saltwater fish. Some good live food for Mollies are blood worms, daphnia, brine shrimp and black worms. These foods can also boost fish immunity and enhance fish color. You must take a closer look at these downsides before getting this product. Likewise, this is good for supporting good digestion, reducing the levels of ammonia inside the fish tank, and in sustaining clean and safe tank water conditions. That prohibits from larger fish eating smaller fish. These are made to be naturally digestible as they are soft and can support a healthy immune system. Be sure to blanch them. This product can be a top-rated marble molly food because it is manufactured with vital nutrients that make up a well-balanced and comprehensive diet that could benefit all tropical fish community. Essentially, flakes would serve as the core support for your fish so purchasing a high-end brand is highly advised. Try to add a variety of both slow and fast sinking food. On the other hand, in terms of nutritional value, crisps are similar to flakes. Inspect if the product comes with plant-based or spirulina contents as these serve as an outstanding source of vitamins, minerals, and raw proteins. After all, these flakes are made with all-natural content that could excellently bring out the best in your tropical pets. And, you need to clean the tank after feeding because some oil substance could be noticed on top of the water. Since it is a worm, most fish that eat live foods do not mind eating them. Still and all, goldfish need more fiber in their daily diet as compared to mollies. Some highly sensitive fish owners may experience some allergic reactions with it. What is more, these are fortified with trace elements, proteins, and antioxidants that were derived from a lot of vital ocean fish. How Long Can Molly Fish Go Without Food? Well, luckily some of the foods you probably have stored right in your own fridge are super nutritious and edible for your fish. The Algae Eating Fish for Aquarium: Mollies – Mollies are among those popular fish in the aquarium hobby, the best effective fish algae eaters and the majority of folks have had one or more of the mild, at one time, a fish eating captivating and algae livebearers within their fish tank. The most excellent foods for mollies that dwell inside the fish tank are a combination of regular fish foods and live foods. Gold Dust Molly Food Demand This group of freshwater fish includes perennial aquarium favorites such as mollies, guppies, and platies. Only give your fish a few granules per feeding, in short, feed them the right amounts that they could finish within 3 minutes. TetraMin Nutritionally Balanced Tropical Flake Food, 3. If you want to promote healthy breeding for your mollies, you must provide them with live or frozen foods for a special treat. Nonetheless, these baby shrimp sun-dried treat product appears not the most preferable fish foods for various aquatic creatures such as turtles. Lastly, these foods are designed to be soft and do not come with a strong smell. With lots of fish food options to select from, it is more effortless to pick the one that is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of your aquatic pets. The following are our top picks for aquarium fish that will eat planaria: Freshwater Angelfish. If you want to feed your most prized fish tank settlers with second to none daily nutrition, then this product is worth a try. Crisps are good for marine, freshwater, and most fish species. The Molly fish is known as a Livebearer and they are omnivores. Do not fret, mollies can be fed high quality flake food as well as a variety of vegetables. (Benefits). This schedule is highly recommended. Indeed, if you continuously put more food into the aquarium, they would continue munching them even when they are already full. These float well and can work excellently in improving the full spectrum of your fish tank residents’ color. Actually, they can usually eat enough food within 5 minutes. Make sure not to add any butter, salt, or spices when making homemade foods for your pet fish. Basic tropical flakes would indeed be fine; however, it is more beneficial to add some alternative treats to make your finned buddies healthier, happier, and capable of thriving inside an artificial environment. Flake food should be used as a primary base. As discussed, there is utterly not all that much to know when it comes to feeding this type of fish species. By happy chance, molly fish care does not necessarily have to be exhausting and distressing. A molly fish diet should be mostly fish flakes, but if you want to give your fish a little treat every once in a while, they absolutely love veggies in almost all forms. Fundamentally, mollies are known for being notorious in terms of feeding on their fry; thus, providing them a spot to hide would assist your breeding efforts tremendously. And, they are tagged as one of the most preferred species among fish hobbyists around the globe because of their colorful body and tranquil nature. Aquatic pets must be fed regularly since in fish tanks, there aren’t many aquatic plants and algae for them to munch on. Mollies can eat nearly anything that matches in their mouth. As you know, it is best to buy products that are fresh and safe to be fed to your finned pets. Flakes refer to floating fish diets that generally come with brewer’s yeast, fish meal, vitamins, soybean meal, and minerals. How often should I feed Mollies? Consider these buying guides so you could get closer to a well-thought-of final shopping decision. Right to it, this molly food is the best bang for the money. And, if you are raising African cichlids, feeding them with these foods would be a challenge. These fish species prefer huge space where they could freely roam, move, and play around. Additionally, see to it to avoid ingredients that contain less nutritional value to your molly’s daily diet. Unfortunately in the home aquarium it is a bit difficult to replicate what mollies eat in the wild. Most fish can survive without feeding for two days or even weeks. Adult molly fish can survive without food for up to 2 weeks. Whilst you can observe these fish consuming algae consistently in the aquarium, they prefer to eat other types of foods as well. The tank environment should always remain consistent when keeping mollies. To wrap things up, this food for molly fish is a superb value for the money! These sinking foods are good at promoting less fish waste inside the tank if fed right and they are capable of providing an adequate amount of nutrition for most fish to stay healthy and strong inside an aquarium. They do great with any of the common tropical fish. Moreover, if you prefer more fishes in your fish tank, it is practical to add more fry fish in a separate tank and feed them right for they would need more amounts of foods as compared to adult mollies. Fish to avoid are large or aggressive. Cheap quality foods could merely obstruct their growth rate and make them unhealthy. Supplement the normal meals with a broad variety of denser meals. You are probably wondering what this fish species generally eat. If you do not wish to deal with serious tank mess, learn to feed them the right amount of food and see to it to follow the directed feeding schedule. Mollies typically consume their foods within five minutes. All you need to do is to provide them a form of diet that satisfies their nutritional requirements, feed them as per the feeding schedule, and avoid overfeeding them.