Or questions I didn’t cover here? Expose your crystal to moonlight or sunlight. (Some crystals may fade in the Sun such as amethyst, so be mindful of this.). Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: February 8-14... Intuitive Astrology: Aquarius New Moon February 2021, Chinese Astrology: Year of the Yin Metal Ox. Choose your crystal by intuition and trust that it is calling you because it is exactly the one you need, Do research to find a crystal by the specific property you’re looking for, Be very clear and specific with your intention, Transmit your intention onto the healing crystals with your emotions and energy to create synergy, Communicate with your crystals with words or visualization (imagine the intention, and see yourself already achieving that intention), Connect with the emotion of the intention (how you feel when you imagine yourself already enjoying that “intention” in your life). Psst. Here I have some info on what I like to do at the New Moon; Have any other “charging crystals under the full moon” tips or insights to share? Throughout her month long journey she was unable to locate it in her bag assuming it had gotten lost in the traveling shuffle.Upon returning home to the states she found it and carried it in her purse for a week still in its original paper wrapping.   This method can also be adopted to cleanse your crystals of negative energy. Soak. Fully connect with your crystals. Using crystals for self-healing is an extremely valuable tool and is very easy. Because it’s known as the universal crystal of love! Alternatively, you can use smaller pieces of cleansing crystals such as quartz and use them to surround the crystal you want to charge in a circle. I am confident. To charge your crystal, choose one or more of the following methods: Place it on a crystal cluster. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. _ord=Math.random()*10000000000000000;_rand=parseInt(Math.random()* (5 - 1) + 1);_ad="