It has a horse-like shaped face and head hence the name. The Horseface Loach (or Horsehead Loach) is the freshwater fish, Acantopsis choirorhynchus, in the Family Cobitidae (Loaches). The Chinese zebra loach have are fins with the dorsal fin appear like a sail when it is up. This bottom-dwelling fish is from Malaysia and is similar to the Longnose Loach (Acantopsis octoactinotos), from which it can be distinguished first by the down-turned (horse-like) nose. Due to the adult size of the Horseface loach, the minimum length of the aquarium should be at least 4 feet (120cm), the width should be at least 18 inches (45 cm), this will allow for plenty of swimming space. For the contribution history and old versions of the merged article please see its history. Make sure that the aquarium is fully cycled before adding these fish even though they are classed as semi-hardy and perform regular water changes of at least 10% weekly. Our Premium Pet Fish are more energetic, hardier, and have brighter colors with a beautiful metallic sheen. Tank compatibility [edit | edit source] A peaceful Loach, keep with peaceful tank mates. Discover (and save!) The reason why no discussion is allowed here is this page is too general. Diet [edit | edit source] Will accept most foods including sinking pellet and flake as well as bloodworm and brine shrimp. The Horseface Loach becomes most active at night and attains a maximum size of 22 cm (8") in length, but is considered mature from 6 cm (2"). Things to Consider before adding tank mates to your betta aquarium: These are some of the aspects you should take into consideration before adding new inhabitants to your betta’s home. Proper tank volume and pH Loaches love low-running water, which mimics their natural habitat (swampy water). Adult specimens can reach a length of up to 8 inches so this must be taken into account with the size of the aquarium used to house these fish. The best Clown Loach tank mates are going to be others of the same species. However, the Longnose is more aggressive, regularly feeding on juvenile fishes. Have you forgotten your password or username? The Horseface loach originates from East Asia where they can be found in the waterways of Sumatra, Borneo and Thailand. This bottom-dwelling fish is from Malaysia and is similar to the Longnose Loach (Acantopsis octoactinotos), from which it can be distinguished first by the down-turned (horse-like) nose. Horseface Loach Also known by the trade names Long-Nosed and Banana Loach, the Horseface Loach is named for its elongated, horse-like snout. Kuhli Loach Tank Mates. If you don't have an account here, register one free of charge, please. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Dojo Loach is a fairly popular fish in the aquarium trade usually costing anywhere from $8 - $15 US Dollars. Either login or email address is required, Account has been recovered, please check your email for further instructions, Javascript seems to be disabled in your browser, therefore this website will, Cookies seem to be disabled in your browser, therefore this website will, A guide on feeding aquarium fish frozen foods, How to grow Anacharis - Egeria densa in aquariums, A page and forum devoted to keeping Blood parrot cichlids, A guide on raising African Dwarf Frogs with pictures and forum, A guide on breeding, feeding and caring for L333 Pleco, Details on keeping Siamese fighting fish with images and forums, How to care for the Flowerhorn fish with discussion. severum tank mates. As of yet there are no recorded cases of the Horseface loach breeding in the aquarium and as such most juveniles available for sale are wild caught specimens. The body of this interesting loach is elongated, with a flat belly. Horseface Loach Fish guide for Horseface Loach, Acantopsis choirorhynchos, Horsehead Loach identification, description and information, Loach pictures, Horseface Loach care and habitat for keeping aquarium loaches, Long-nosed Loach Temperament of your fish is as important as final size, so do some research before purchasing! Apr 20, 2020 - Fish guide for Horseface Loach, Acantopsis choirorhynchos, Horsehead Loach identification, description and information, Loach pictures, Horseface Loach care and habitat for keeping aquarium loaches, Long-nosed Loach Horseface Loach Their appearance makes them very eye-catching and an oddball. 24 January 2021 Geen categorie Geen categorie Thanks a lot! Selected image has been removed successfully! The Lepto Loach or Royal Gold Banded Loach is a fairly small fish only reaching about 3 - 4" ( 8 - 10 cm ). In order to ask such a question, please click this link! Otos are a great fish for just about any aquarium. Aeration can be secured by air pumps, however many internal filters provide aeration too. Scientific name: Acantopsis choirorhynchos, Usual size in fish tanks: 20 - 30 cm (7.87 - 11.81 inch), Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7.8, Recommended water hardness (dGH): 6 - 12°N (107.14 - 214.29ppm), Recommended temperature: 18 - 27 °C (64.4 - 80.6°F), The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning, Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful. The tank should have a well-fitting cover, as this fish will escape if it finds a large enough opening. The species inhabits freshwater in slow-moving water of streams or rivers. Comments: This is a Premium Pet Fish, and we never see Premium Fish like this in any of the live fish stores or online stores that we visit. Rocks or wood should be added to provide hiding places and keep the lighting dimmed. I'm sure I read somewhere that it can take prey of a decent size compared with it's own so have to be careful about tank mates. Make sure there’s enough room to keep multiple inhabitants. The Lohachata Botia Loach is sometimes referred to as a scaleless fish they do in fact have small scales that are embedded in their skin. It will school with others of the same age and size. Unfortunately questions regarding fish, plants, diseases or tank setup will be ignored if submitted via the form below! Blood worms and brine shrimp are ideal for Tiger botias and as they … 5 adults will need at least a 150 gallon tank – allow roughly 30 gallons of water per loach. Hello everybody According to the references I think it should me merged. If cared for correctly the average lifespan for the Horseface loach is between 10 - 12 years. They are best kept with other small non-aggressive fish such as Corydoras, Danios, Rasboras and Tetras. This loach has an elongated golden brown body with a very attractive design. Allow 3-5 gallons of water for each Loach you add to your tank. Tinfoil barbs are other suitable tank mates. This email address has already been taken! In order to recover your password fill in your username or continue below, please, In case you don't remember your login, fill your email address below. Following symbol denotes required fields -. The form below shall be used to ask about the website, functionality, issues or to give feedback. The Bamboo shrimp is a fantastic choice, being one of the Vampire Shrimp’s favorite tank mates. Here is a section (Taxonomic note) from the Horseface loach article: Click here to recover it! Pistia stratiotes is a beautiful plant, however is more suitable for ponds. The Horseface Loach buries itself in the bottom substratum (if silt or fine-sand), the Longnose Loach does not. The contents of the page were merged into Horseface loach on 28 November 2017 and it now redirects there. Really delete this comment from the site? Type your valid email in case you forget the password. Quality flake and sinking pellets should be given for the staple diet but they will require supplements of live or frozen foods. Peaceful and tolerant of aquarium life, this interesting looking fish is fun to watch as it successfully hides from other fish right near by. The page has been created, you will now be redirected! This beautiful loach displays white and black vertical stripes as a juvenile and gold and black reticulated patterns as an adult. The length of the loach hardly grows of 3-4 inches. Password must be at least 6 characters long! ... Horseface Loach (Horsehead Loach) Fish Species Profile German Blue Ram Species Profile Gold (Chinese) Barb Fish Species Profile In the wild they inhabit rivers with fairly strong current so oxygenated is a must to keep them happy. Their lifespan is currently unknown, but as with other Leptobotia species, if properly cared they should live at least 5 - 8 years. Keep this Loach in groups of at least 3 or 4, not singly. Living space. This box will close automatically! Tank Mates. You have been logged out successfully! Swiss ichthyologist Maurice Kottelat initiated this change.Th… Your message has been sent, thanks a lot! The horseface or horsehead loach is a relatively shy bottom-dweller that likes to burrow into the substrate; it will sift the sand through its gills in search of microorganisms or other food. Really delete this page from the database? Clown loach (Chromobotia macracanthus, earlier named Botia macracanthus) was first described in 1852. See more ideas about fish, aquarium fish, freshwater fish. Feeding the Horseface loach is not difficult as they will accept most foods offered. Food and feeding. Apr 14, 2015 - Explore Complete Aquatics's board "Loach fish", followed by 5721 people on Pinterest. Please, verify whether your login and password are valid. They are not easy to keep and not recommended for beginners as they can be very fussy about the aquarium conditions, specimens sold in the aquatic trade are mostly juveniles and getting them to reach adulthood is often only achieved by experienced keepers. If you wish to add live aquatic plants then make sure that they can also cope with the lower lighting levels, if not artificial plants will make a good option. While you are at it, consider purchasing some companions for your Vampire Shrimp. Its alternative P Make sure your email address is valid, please! Merging. They come from fast moving waters. The recommended range is between 18 - 27°C (64 - 80°F) and provide water flow with careful positioning of the outlet nozzle from the filter, aiming this at the water surface will also increase gaseous exchange keeping the oxygen levels high. Feeding Feed once or twice a … Otocinclus makes a great tank mate. Territorial behavior isn’t an issue with this species! WBT12. The Dojo Loach is sometimes called the Weather Loach because of its reported behavior when the barometric pressure drops. The Panda Loach (Yaoshania pachychilus) is a very rare freshwater loach that is native to … Tankmates that occupy the higher levels of the aquarium may get the larger share of the feeds so make sure that you Loach get their share as well. Click here to close this box. They are not scaleless but they do have very small scales so medicating these fish can be difficult. 3 Horseface Loach 4 Leopard Bush Fish 3 Yo-Yo Loach Malaysian trumpet snails. They prefer waterways with a current as they require oxygenated water. The Horseface loach is classed as a peaceful species so should not be housed with aggressive tank mates, this applies especially to the lower levels as these fish are classed as bottom dwellers. Its long snout is reminiscent of a horse muzzle, hence its name. Login and password don't match any record in our database! Also known as the Horsehead Loach, Banana Loach, Longface Loach or Long-Nosed Loach. Keep this Loach in groups of at least 3 or 4, not singly. Diet Will accept most foods including sinking pellet and flake as well as bloodworm and brine shrimp. Horseface Loach Tropical Fish Learn all about the Horseface Loach's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Document last modified: 2016-04-12 21:40:44, © 2005 - 2021 Aqua-Fish.Net, property of Jan Hvizdak, see our privacy policy to understand how we handle your data. Origin: These Loaches are caught in the jungles in Borneo and Sumatra , which are … Selected comment has been removed successfully! I have two Horseface loaches and two Yo-Yo loaches in my aquarium the Horseface eat everything I put in: tropical flakes, color flakes, spirulina flakes, shrimp pellets, freeze dried tubifex worms, algae Sand should be used for the substrate as the Horseface loach does like to bury itself and it will also spend a lot of time sifting the sand searching for food. It has not yet been successfully bred in captivity. Timers shouldn’t be used for lighting only, aerators and secondary filters can be plugged to timers too. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Horseface Loach … Cooler water temperatures are required and if your room temperature falls within the range then a heater will not be required in the aquarium. Clown Loach Tank Mates In their natural habitat, they can be found in the same waters as Tiger Barbs , Hard-lipped Barb, Spotted Eel-Loach, Barred Rainbowfish, Comb-Spined Catfish and even Asian Arowana. The Java loach Pangio oblonga is a species of tropical freshwater fish, an unbanded kuhli loach native to the sandy streams of Southeast Asia. They generally have a life span of about 10 - 12 years. 9 Perfect Otocinclus Tank Mates (for Beginner Aquariums) January 14, 2021 January 13, 2021 by Cory R Chambers. As the feed from the bottom of the aquarium it is best to offer them small sinking pellets but this should be varied with treats of live or frozen foods. Thanks a lot for understanding! Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels. The Vampire Shrimp is known to … The Horseface Loach is fast moving, the Longnose rather slow. We recommend keeping at least five fish together. Tank compatibility A peaceful Loach, keep with peaceful tank mates. Click here to search, please! The Horseface Loach (or Horsehead Loach) is the freshwater fish, Acantopsis choirorhynchus, in the Family Cobitidae (Loaches). Vallisneria, Ludwigia and Azola species are suitable plants for coldwater fish tanks. Interesting facts about Zebra Loach. These fish exhibit elongated bodies that are typically light brown in color, ornamented with an assortment of … The Horseface Loach is a good sized fish that can get up to 8 inches (20 cm) or more in the wild, though they are usually smaller in the aquarium. They prefer waterways with a current as they require oxygenated water. The Horseface loach originates from East Asia where they can be found in the waterways of Sumatra, Borneo and Thailand. X2 Royal Clown Loach Jumbo Size - Fish Freshwater OUT OF STOCK X15 Tiger Sand Loach Sml/Med 1" - 1 1/2" - Fish Freshwater $ 126.54 X20 Zipper Loach Sml/Med 1" - 1 1/2" - Fish Freshwater $ 166.54 Unfortunately this page doesn't allow discussion. The page has been removed successfully, you will be redirected now! your own Pins on Pinterest Registration has been successful, please login now! Unusually mature females tend to grow larger than the males however the males will develop extended rays on their pectoral fins. They’re easy to care for and fun to watch zoom around your aquarium. Vampire Shrimp Tank Mates. Something went wrong during processing your message, please try again! Dec 10, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Jermus Velia. It is very peaceful with dwarf shrimp, has a very active and outgoing personality, and is very hardy in a mature aquarium that is rich in algae and biofilm. Page has been saved, refresh it now, please! Dojo Loach. Filtration should be sufficient to maintain high water quality, and weekly water changes are important. A neat thing about this fish is that you don’t have to worry about achieving a specific male-to-female ratio. Peter Bleeker (Dutch doctor, ichthyologist) was the first who mentioned this fish kind and classified the fish as a loaches fish class.Since 2004 clown loach was officially classified as a separate kind of loaches family with Greek name Chromobotia. The Lohachata Botia Loach is an active scavenger that is a semi-aggressive fish that enjoys the company of its own species, or other semi-aggressive fish. Kuhli Loaches are peaceful fish. The Horseface loach is often described as the long nosed loach for obvious reasons as it develops an elongated body and also an elongated head shape. Click here to learn more about Our Premium Pet Fish. It is OK to move it to aquariums during cold months. Please, find any other page that fits your area of interest as over 99% of our pages allow discussion. Same species be secured by air pumps, however many internal filters provide aeration.... Form below will now be redirected now males will develop extended rays on their pectoral fins Weather because! 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