Select the cell containing the first name (A2) followed by an ampersand (&) This will get the first initial “J”. Description (Result) =A2&" "&B2. Home » Quick Tip: Reverse Last Name, First in an Excel List. The preferred strategy depends largely on the version of Excel you are using as well as the naming pattern used in the emails addresses. Generating First Initial Last Name from two columns in Excel. After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below:(Free Download Kutools for Excel Now! Combine first initial and last name with formula. The LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string. 1 . Click Ok. Now the first initial and last names are combined into one cell. Reduce hundreds of mouse clicks for you every day, say goodbye to mouse hand. 2. A verification code will be sent to you. 1500 work scenarios, helps you solve Formula. In the formula, it concatenate names with space, you can change " " to other delimiter as you need. The most common two ways I have seen are firstname lastname with just a space and lastname, firstname with a comma separating the two. How to flip the first name and last name with excel formula or excel VBA macro.. If you need to extract the first name and the first character of last name, the LEFT and FIND functions can help you. There's an easy way to do this in Excel Here's our data: The formula we use is: =LEFT(B3)&MID(B3,FIND(" ",B3)+1,1) Download Example Sheet to practise getting initials from a list of name. Designed for 3. The RIGHT function is used to extract a specific number of characters from the right side of the text string. 80%, Convert Between Cells Content and Comments, Office Tab Brings Tabbed interface to Office, and Make Your Work Much Easier. To get started, let’s see how names are usually stored in a Excel spreadsheet. This article, I will introduce some methods for solving this job in Excel. As you could see we are extracting the string till one position further where we encounter a space in the full name. In the generic form, here are the formulas to combine first and last name in Excel: = first_name_cell &" "& last_name_cell CONCATENATE (first_name_cell," ", last_name_cell) In the first formula, concatenation is done with an ampersand character (&). Type the formula into the cell you want to place the combined result, press Enter to get the combined name. Example 1 Note: Random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns. This method will introduce the CONCATENATE function to merge only the initial letter of the first name and the last name such as AGreen representing Anne Green in Excel. Any of the following formulas will do so: =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-SEARCH(" ",A2))&" "&LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1) ). Combine Rows, Columns or Cells without Losing Data, Kutools for Excel Solves Most of Your Problems, and Increases Your Productivity by 3) Switch the Order of the First and Last Name in Excel without Comma. Video Training: Get Initials from Name How could you deal with these tasks in Excel workbook? Free upgrade and support for 2 years. How could you solve it with a formula in Excel? If you have a list of full names which are formatted as last name and first name, now, you want to flip the last and first names to first and last as below screenshot shown. Become an Excel expert in 3 minutes. If you have Kutools for Excel, you can use the Remove by Position utility to remove all characters except the initial from first name, then use Combine function to combine the first initial and last name. We can use one of Excel's formulas to flip the first and last name quickly in a column with following steps: Enter the formula =MID(A2&" "&A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1,LEN(A2)) in a blank cell, says Cell C2. Select the first initial cells and last names, click Kutools > Merge & Split > Combine Rows, Columns or Cells without Losing Data. Last Name. Brings Efficient Tabs to Office (include Excel), Just Like Chrome, Firefox, And New Internet Explorer. Davolio. Cancel. Separate Names in Excel. JH. I have an Excel sheet with first names in Column A and surnames in Column B. I want to create a third Column C that contains the first character from the first name and adds it to the surname, creating first initial + surname.. First Name Last Name Combined Name John Smith jsmith Bob Smith, John Brown, etc.). In the generic form of the formula (above), name is a full name, with a space separating the first name from other parts of the name. 60-day money back guarantee. I have a sheet where all the cells (many rows and columns) contain a person's first and last name (i.e. If you need to reverse first name and last name in a column and then put the result into another cell in another column. In the example, the active cell contains this formula: = RIGHT(B4,LEN(B4) - FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ","*",LEN(B4) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))))) Lets say I have 3 cells. Separate First and Last Names Using Text to Column Wizard Combine first initial and last name with formula, Combine first initial and last name with Kutools for Excel. In the popping dialog, check Combine columns, then specify the options you need in next three sections. Click Ok, the first names will be removed but left the first initials. The generic syntax is: Please copy or enter the below formula into a blank cell: And then, drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to apply this formula, and all the first names and the first character of the last names have been extracted, see screenshot: FIND(" ",A2)+1: The FIND function is used to return the position of the space character in cell A2, adding 1 means to get the position of the first character after the space. While it is possible to Separate First and Last Names using Excel formulas, the easiest way to separate First and Last Names in Excel is to use ‘Text to Column Wizard’ as available in Microsoft Excel. =LEFT(text,1)&RIGHT(text,LEN(text)-FIND(" ",text)+1), =LEFT(A2,1)&RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(" ",A2)+1), Kutools for Excel - Helps You To Stand Out From Crowd. I want to change my existing database to only have First Name, Last Name in the same cell. Start typing the first name in the second cell. Reduce thousands of keyboard and mouse clicks every day, relieve your tired eyes and hands. This function will get the first and last names split into two separate columns. 3. If you work at a company that has an established standard for email addresses (i.e. Office Tab - Enable Tabbed Reading and Editing in Microsoft Office (include Excel), Extract first initial and last name from full name in Excel, Extract first name and first character of last name from full name in Excel, Flip Or Reverse First And Last Names In Excel List, Extract Nth Word From Text String In Excel, Extract Text Between Parentheses From Text String. Increases your productivity by Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to choose a new password for your account. So far I have only been able to find the opposite of what I need. See screenshot: There are all sorts of ways to parse out text. Add a new column next to the column with the original names and type the name part that you want to extract in the first cell (the first name in this example). Type equal sign (=). LEFT(A2,1)&RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(" ",A2)+1): At last, using the & symbol to join the first initial returned by the LEFT function and last name which returned by the RIGHT function. In the Remove by Position dialog, type 999 into Numbers textbox, check Specify checkbox, type 2 into the next textbox. Type the formula into the cell you want to place the combined result, press Enter to get the combined name. First Name. Created on June 17, 2014. I need cell 3 to grab the first name and last name and put them into a last name first initial format. ), 1. The first letter of the first name is then joined to the last name using the concatenation operator (&), and the result is wrapped in the LOWER function, which forces all text to lower case. 50% when viewing and editing multiple documents. LOWER(LEFT(C5) & B5) // lower case Finally, result is jointed again to "@" and then to the domain. If you have a list of text strings which are separated by line breaks (that occurs by pressing Alt + Enter keys when entering the text), and now, you want to extract these lines of text into multiple cells as below screenshot shown. I recently ran into a situation where I had an extensive list of last name, first name entries that our client wanted to see in first name then last name order. A verification code will be sent to you. Here have two formulas can help you combine initial of first name and last name into one, choose one of them to use. How could you solve this task in Excel quickly and easily? I have a full name in a cell and want to convert it to last name first initial only in another column Have: Smith, Mary Want: Smith, M some cells have: Smith, Mary / … Type =left( and then click on the cell that contains that person’s first name (e.g., cell A2 which contains Beyonce’s first name). Cell 1 contains the first name and cell 2 contains the last name. This will be recognized as the num_chars argument in the LEFT function. One second to switch between dozens of open documents! =CONCATENATE(LEFT(A1,1)," ", B1) =LEFT(A1,1) & " " & B1. Flash Fill (Excel 2013 / Excel … 80% time for you. All you need to know is first the delimiter between the first and last name. Next, Excel wants to know how many characters (letters or numbers) you’re interested in p… Here is a formula which can help you split First name and Last name wherein the ONLY delimiter is an Uppercase. Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. If you need extract the first name from a full name, you can easily do so with the FIND and LEFT functions. For example, Smith Joshua = Joshua Smith. first initial of first name with last name) then you have a few options. A quick and easier way to Excel extract first name is to use the Text to Column function! Then, type a comma to move on to the second part of the function. 50%, and reduces hundreds of mouse clicks for you every day. Nancy. So if I have David Smith I need it to say SmithD in cell 3. Learn how to pull 3 different strings of text like first, middle and last names from one cell in Excel into separate cells. This is what we shall do in this method: Last_Name First_Name = First_Name Last_Name. 4. Combines the names above, separated by a comma (Fuller, Andrew) =CONCATENATE(A2," ",B2) Combines the names above, separated by a space (Nancy Davolio) I am now trying to update this database, but the new records I am trying to insert are only First Name, Last Name (all in one cell). I knew this was something I could change in excel, … In the example, the active cell contains this formula: = LEFT(B4,FIND(" ", B4) - 1) Supposing, you have a list of full names, now, you would like to extract the first initial and last name or first name and first character of last name from the full name as below screenshots shown. (You had better have a copy of the data first.). I'm trying to find a way to get all the cells changed to show just the person's first initial and their last name (i.e. Enter the following formula in the designated cells; Considering A1 contains the name: CiciullaSerge Get this done by following the steps below: Increases your productivity by In the generic form of the formula (above), name is a full name, with a space separating the first name from other parts of the name. This post explains that how to flip or reverse the first name and last name in one column. If there are two columns in a worksheet, one lists first names, the another one contains last names, how can you combine the initial of the first name and last name into one cell as below screenshot shown? 1. Please enter the email address for your account. John Smith. Andrew. Select the first names you want to use, click Kutools > Text > Remove by Position. Here, the first and last name is separated by a COMMA (,). This article, I will introduce some formulas for dealing with this job in Excel. Select a blank cell you will place the concatenation result in, and enter the formula =CONCATENATE(LEFT(A2,1),B2) (A2 is the cell with the first name, and B2 is the cell with the last name) into it, and press the Enter key. 80% Excel problems. Sign in. No longer need to remember any painful formulas and VBA codes. Moving on to the first example, as you can see there are a few names in “column A” that we want to extract and return in column B, C and, D as first name, middle initial and last name respectively. Open and create multiple documents in new tabs of the same window, rather than in new windows. For the sake of simplicity I have limited the formula for names with three, two and one part only (ie first name, middle name and last name), for some reason if the name has more than 3 parts, then this formula would result in initials for the first three chunks of the name… B Smith, J Brown, etc. Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to choose a new password for your account. Fuller. Jhall34. In this example, we’ll use the =left() function to find the first initial for Beyonce, Barack Obama, and Pablo Picasso. How to reverse the first name and last name in each cell in one column in excel. The FIND function is used to find a string within another string, and returns the starting position of the string inside another one. Below are the steps to merge the first and the last name using ampersand: Click on the first cell of the column where you want the combined names to appear (C2). Whenever I have seen a middle initial, it’s usually firstname midinitial lastname like below: We will try to build a formula to get the first name along with the initial of last name by applying these formulae. If there is part of the text surrounded with the parentheses within the text string, now, you need to extract all the text strings between the parentheses as following screenshot shown. The LEFT function extracts the given number of characters from the left side of a supplied string. Here have two formulas can help you combine initial of first name and last name into one, choose one of them to use. If Excel senses a pattern (in most cases it does), it will populate the first names in all other cells automatically. I need to format the names as "first name last name". 300 powerful advanced features (Combine workbooks, sum by color, split cell contents, convert date, and so on...) and save I have a database that I created with First Name, Initial/Middle Name, and Last Name (all in one cell). Extract first name and first character of last name from full name in Excel Extract first initial and last name from full name in Excel To extract the first initial and last name, the combination of LEFT, RIGHT, LEN and FIND functions can do you a favor, the generic syntax is: … Would you like to complete your daily work quickly and perfectly? In this tutorial, I introduce some tricks on handling this problem in Excel. Select a blank cell, for instance, Cell C2, type this formula =LEFT(A2)&IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(" ",A2)),MID(A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1,1),"")&IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(" ",A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1)),MID(A2,FIND(" ",A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1)+1,1),"") (A2 is the first cell of your name list), press Enter button, then drag the fill handle to fill the range. Excel; Microsoft 365 and Office; Search Community member; Search Search the Community. This video demonstrates how to separate a name in the format: [FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME] into different variables using Microsoft Excel. Excel text function - switch "last name, first name" to "first name last name" I received a spreadsheet that has names listed as "last name, first name" in one cell. 30-day unlimited free trial. Combines the names above, separated by a space (Nancy Davolio) =B3&", "&A3. LEFT(A2,1): This LEFT function is used to extract the first character of the cell A2. This should work on major of the names given in your example list apart from the name like "McGurganJustin" which has 3 uppercase. First method is using formula to extract initials from names in Microsoft Excel. Change name from: last name, first name middle initial to first name last name I am trying to reformat a string of names to just be "First Name Last Name" ie. Suppose you have a list of Names, and you only want the initials of the people. The domain is kept separate for convenience only. In other words, you can have Excel tell you a person’s first initial or last initial. Enter the formula =LEFT (A2,FIND (” “,A2)+1) in cell B2 as shown in the pic below. Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Kutools for Excel brings If you have a list of text strings or sentences, now, you want to extract the specific nth word from the list as below screenshot shown. And then drag the fill handle down to the cells to apply this formula, then you can see all first and last names have been revered. Please enter the email address for your account. LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1): This LEFT function is used to extract the number of characters that returned by the FIND function from the left side of cell A2. To extract initials from a given name in Excel, you can do this using a formula based on the LEFT function, the IF function, the ISNUMBER function and the MID function. 5. To extract the first initial and last name, the combination of LEFT, RIGHT, LEN and FIND functions can do you a favor, the generic syntax is: Please enter or copy the following formula into a blank cell: Then, drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to apply this formula, and you will get all first initial and last names have been extracted, see screenshot: 1. Combine last name and initial of first name in excel - format of the word is “last name, first name” in single cell Ask Question Asked 2 years, 5 months ago Stored in a Excel spreadsheet senses a pattern ( in most cases it does ) ''! The Order of the function can help you combine initial of first initial last name in excel name the! Do as below: (Free Download Kutools for Excel, '' `` B1! Place the combined result, press Enter to get the first initial or last initial textbox check! Between the first name and put them into a last name ) then you received... To grab the first character of last name with last name, the first initial of first name and names. Returns the starting position of the text string Search the Community name, last name with formula, combine initial... Different strings of text like first, middle and last name '' `` & A3 one in! No longer need to know is first the delimiter between the first name last! 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